讲座题目: Attention Online, Abatement Offline: A National Experiment on Social Media in China
时间: 2021年3月17日上午9:00-11:00
地点: 文沁楼127会议室
主持人: 鲁元平 教授
主讲嘉宾: 邹伟
This paper investigates the responses of firms and governments to social media activities. The unexpected release and short-lived circulation of the environmental documentary Under the Dome in China in 2015, offers a natural experiment. Based on a comprehensive firm-level dataset together with various web-scraped data on social media activities, online petitions, and government regulatoty actions, we find that more public attention to the documentary, measured by social media posts, lead to significantly less pollutant emissions of local firms. IV and placebo tests suggest that this impact is not driven by unobserved heterogeneity or omitted variable bias. We show that firms improve environmental behavior in responses to consumers pressures. Furthermore, local governments strengthen environment in response to the raising public attention.