
讲座预告 | 希贤—CRG云论坛【第七期】预告
发布时间:2022-05-23 发布者:盛倩


报告主题:Educational Assortative Mating and Marital Satisfaction:A Study Based on Chinese Family Panel Studies

内容摘要:Using data from Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS 2018), this paper analyses the impact of educational assortative mating on marital satisfaction of conjugal partners by using diagonal reference models. The results suggest that the higher the level of educational homogamy, the higher the marital satisfaction for both spouses; that hypogamous marriagc can significantly reducc the marital satisfaction of both spouses while hypergamous marriage has a positive effect on wife's marital satisfaction; and that there are clear gender differences of educational impacts on marital satisfaction - for wives, the larger the differences between their own and the husband's educational levels, the stronger the negative effect on their marital satisfaction whereas short-range hypergamy increases their marital satisfaction; for husbands, only long-range hypogamous marriage has a negative impact on their own marital satisfaction. With the gender-gap reversal in education, hypogamy will increase, and the stability of marriage and marital satisfaction may face more challenges in the future.

主讲人简介:李姚军 教授

英国曼彻斯特大学社会学系教授、英国皇家艺木学会(FRSA)会士。获得牛津大学社会学硕士和哲学博士学位。研究领域为社会流动和社会分层,特别关注英国和中国的阶级、教育、劳动力市场地位、社会资本和种族融合等主题。研究成果发表于Amcrican Toural of Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Sociology, Europcan Sociological Revicw 等社会学重要刊物。

活动时间:2022年5月26日(星期四) 21:00-22.30(北京时间)   14:00-15:30(英国时间)