
讲座预告 | 希贤学术午餐会【第十八期】预告
发布时间:2022-09-21 发布者:李玥彤

讲座题目: Tackling excessive alcohol use with individualized health reminder and contingency management:experimental evidence in Chinese poor neighbourhood 

时间: 2022年9月21日(星期三)上午11:00-12:30

地点: 文沁楼119会议室

主持人: 孙群力 教授

主讲嘉宾: 李珊珊 博士



Alcohol use is responsible for some 3 million deaths (5.3% of all deaths) and 132.6 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (5.1% of all DALYs).  Previous studies have been well explored that the alcohol consumption lead to numerous adverse consequences related to physical, mental and well-being world-wide, especially for the working class. Nonetheless, risk of drinking behavior is more common among low-and middle-income countries, with greater harm per litre" for poorer consumers.  The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and generalizability of brief information intervention combined with a small monetary incentive on alcohol consumption in a randomized controlled trial.  We conducted a survey of 445 participants in Liangshan in 2021, with a purpose of reducing alcohol consumption among people with alcohol use disorders. Overall, the interventions lead to better health behavior on drinking and smoking. Alongside the improved drinking and smoking behaviors, the working performance of participants are also ameliorated through information plus financial intervention. Unfortunately, we didn't find any evidence showing that receiving the information or/and financial incentives did inform the participants to make better con- sumption and investment decisions.