
讲座预告 | 希贤—CRG云论坛【第九期】预告
发布时间:2022-10-24 发布者:李玥彤

报告主题:Impact of Pilot Public Hospital Reform on Efficiencies: A DEA Analysis of County Hospitals in East China, 2009-2015

内容摘要:Improving public hospital efficiency is critical to maintaining and improving the quality of healthcare service the public sector pro vides. As most Chinese hospitals are publicly owned it is essential to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency ofhospitals in the public sector to keep their services to the highest possible standard.This paper assesses the efficiency of public hospitals at the county level in East China using a panel dataset from the National Health Statisti- cal Information Report System between 2009 and 2015.We use Data Envelopment Analysis to estimate hospital efficiencyapply a Tobit Difference-in-Differences to evaluate the pilot reformsand adopt propensity score matching to address biases caused by the selection ofcounties into the pilot program.Hospitals in the pilot program are more efficient.Yet, contrary to the policyobjectivepilot hospitals efficiency advantage has narrowed since the pilot reform.This is possibly due to the multitude ofpolicy objectives ofpublic hospitals and the scale over-expansion among publicly owned county hospi- tals. Local economic conditionsincluding industrial development and the size of local government expenditure are positively associ ated with hospital efficiencies.

主讲人简介:Wei Jiang先生


活动时间:2022年10月27日(星期四) 20:00-21:30(北京时间)   13:00-14:30(英国时间)