
讲座预告 | 希贤—CRG云论坛【第十期】预告
发布时间:2022-11-04 发布者:李玥彤

报告主题:Beamtimes and Indigenous Knowledge Production Times 

内容摘要:Since the mid-twentieth century,big-science research infrastructure(RI) has become an indispensable component in modern scientific re search. Using data of 1.8 million scientific publications and employing a difference-in-differences designwe estimate the causal impact of a major RIShanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF), on China’s indigenous scientific publications by domestic scholars from 1998 to2015.We find that for affected scientific disciplinesthe establishment of SSRF caused a 40.1% and 16.2% increase in the number and per centage of high-impact indigenous publicationsand a 16.9% increase in the average impact factor ofindigenous publications.Combinedour findings suggest that SSRF has led to a quantitative and qualitative growth of China’s indigenous scienceSuch findings have important implications for public policy design and a better understanding ofChi- na’s rise as a formidable global power in science and technologyThe study also addresses the concern that China lacks originality and indig enous innovation capability.

主讲人简介:杨锡怡 博士

       上海科技大学创业与管理学院,助理教授、研究员。2011年毕业于香港理工大学,获工商管理学学士学位,2015年毕业于香港大学,获经济学博士学位。博士毕业后先于武汉大学经济与管理学院担任助理教授,后于2016年2月加入上海科技大学。杨博士的研究主要关于中国产业集群,特别侧重于集群对经济发展与贫富差距的影响,以及对提高企业生产力和创新的作用。她的研究发表于Journal of Economic Geography,World Developmentand Asia Pacific Journal of Management等外文期刊.

活动时间:2022年11月10日(星期四) 21:00-22:30(北京时间)13:00-14:30(英国时间)