
讲座预告 | 希贤学术午餐会【第二十二期】预告
发布时间:2022-11-14 发布者:李玥彤

讲座题目: College Expansion and Heterogeneous College Premiums: Evidence from the Marginal Treatment Effect in China

时间: 2022年11月17日(星期四)上午11:00-12:30

地点: 文沁楼119会议室

主持人: 万欣 博士

主讲嘉宾: 鄢伟波 副教授

中南财经政法大学财政税务学院副教授,西安交通大学与伯克利加州大学联合培养博士。主要研究方向为公共经济学和劳动经济学。在《经济研究》《世界经济》《金融研究》《统计研究》Economicsof Transition and Institutional Change等期刊发表论文数篇。


Based on the heterogeneous education return framework, this paper esti- mates the marginal treatment effect ofcollege expansion on college premi- ums in China. Our findings are triple.Firstwe capture heterogeneous col- lege premiums after college expansion,especially in urban areas and prov- inces with abundant education resources.Secondthe treatment effects follow a quantitative sequence ofATT(Average Treatment Effect on Treat ed)>LATE(Local Average Treatment Effect)>ATE(AverageTreatment Ef fect)>TNT(Average Treatment Effect on Non-Treated)which reconciles the puzzle that instrumental-variable estimates are always larger than ordi nary-least- square estimates in the literature.Due to the heterogeneous edu cation returns, college premiums for compliers decline after college expan sion. Third, by evaluating several potential education policies, we find that policies aiming at enhancing the college entrance probability by a propor tion are ineffective and will even lead toresource misallocation This paper furthers our understanding of education premiums and sheds new light on the quality mechanism governing the effect of college expansion on college premiums.