报告主题:The Peer Effects of Newcomers in the Classroom Evidence from China's Middle Schools
内容摘要:This paper provides the first causal estimates on the peer effects of newcomers in China’s middle schools.We define newcomers as stu- dents arriving in the local county/district from other counties/districts during their middle school entrance.Using the data from the China Education Panel Survey(CEPS), we exclude the self-selection by ex- ploit the within-school random assignment ofstudents to classrooms. Our findings indicate that having a higher proportion of newcomers in the classroom reduces math,ChineseEnglish and cognitive test scores ofnon-newcomers.We then show that the spillover effects of newcomers with and without local Hukou onnon-newcomers with local Hukou are significantly negative whereas we do not find strong evidence of negative spillovers from non-newcomers without local Hukou. The worse classroom environment and worse inter-group re lations are the main channels for negative peer effects of newcomers.
主讲人简介:楼旭妍 博士
宁波诺丁汉大学经济学院助理教授。2018年获得香港中文大学博士学位。研究领域为应用微观经济学,包括劳动经济学、健康经济学和中国经济。她的研究发表于Journal of Labor Eco- nomics和Journal of Comparative Eco nomics等国际权威期刊。
活动时间:2022年12月1日(星期四) 21:00-22:30(北京时间)13:00-14:30(英国时间)