
讲座预告 | 希贤—CRG云论坛【第十二期】预告
发布时间:2022-12-09 发布者:李玥彤

报告主题:A man-made divide: Investigating the effect of urban-rural household registration and subjective social status on mental health mediated by loneliness among a large sample of University students in China

内容摘要:Theurban-rural household registration system in China has been docu mented with profound social consequences in almost all areas of peo- ple'slife.This study aims to investigate the underlying mechanism of the rural and urban discrepancies on mental health conditions among a large sample of college students in China. A survey was distributed among college students in China. A total of 96,218 college students from 63 colleges completed the survey. answering questions on thell urban-rural household registration, disposable household income,sub- jective social status, feelings of loneliness, and anxiety and depression symptoms.Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA)and Structural Equa tion Modelling (SEM) analyses were conducted, testing the effect of urban-rural registration on one's mental health, mediated by subjective social status and loneliness. The results indicated that decreasing the disparity ofsocial status and tackling loneliness is the key to improve the overall mental health of college students. The urban-rural house hold registration system may have a very small direct effect on the col lege students'mental health; but students ofurban registration enjoyed higher subjective social status, which had a clear protective effect against anxiety and depression symptoms.

主讲人简介:Hui Yu博士

     德蒙福特大学应用社会科学院资深讲师。她的研究兴趣是使用实验方法和计算模型来研究各种人类行为的过程和机制,从网络Trolling到对移民的态度。其跨学科背景(北京大学生命科学学士,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校医学硕士,以及新加坡国立大学心理学博士),研究兴趣和丰富的研究方法(包括实验设计和数据分析)使她能够达成学科间的广泛合作。其研究发表于Criminal Justice and Behavior等国际期刊。

活动时间:2022年12月14日(星期三) 20:00-21:30(北京时间)13:00-14:30(英国时间)

MS Team Meeting ID: 344 031 129 06