
发布时间:2023-05-15 发布者:李玥彤


报告主题:Health and Economic Inequality during pandemics: A heterogeneous Agent Perspective

       This paper investigates the heterogeneous health and eco nomic effects of a pandemic in a continuous time heterogeneous agent framework(HACT).We develop a parsimonious model to study optimal infection preventing and recuperative expenditure de cisions in a model where agents are differentiated by wealth levels and their endogenous health status when the infectious disease(eg Covid-19)follows SIRS dynamicsWe show that expenditures on infection prevention are not only increasing but also have higher wealth elasticity. In equilibrium,wealthier agents have better health outcomes which leads to higher income as their labor income is less affected by the pandemic.In a pandemic income inequality in creases and so do the health outcomes consistent with the empirica evidenceWealth inequality is also increased but less responsive We do not have to relyon other mechanisms such as differentia ability to work from home,access to health caredifferences in pref erences,or different sectoral contact structures to generate the re- sults. The paper shows that pandemics can exacerbate health and economic inequalities.

主讲人简介: 庞昊堃

       中南财经政法大学财政税务学院16级本科毕业生,英国伯明翰大学博士研究生在读。主要研究方向为宏观经济学、连续时间下的控制理论与动态规划、传染病经济学等。目前已形成工作论文多篇,并被Europe an Workshop on EconomicTheory(EWET) Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory(SAET)等会议接收。



