
发布时间:2023-06-12 发布者:李玥彤


报告主题:Do You Like My Parents? Intergenerational MaritalSorting: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Studies investigating marital matching often face the challenge of sur-vivor bias due to the ex-post survey data they use. We explore thecausal impact of parents’ occupations on their children's marriagematching from an ex-ante perspective via an online dating experi-ment. We find that, first, individuals whose parents have higher socio-economic status occupations enjoy significant premiums in the mar-riage market in terms of matching opportunities and matching quali-ties. Second, individuals with superior ascribed and acquired traits aremore demanding on spouses’ parental occupations. Third, improvingone's cducation and income are more beneficial for individuals whoseparents have higher socioeconomic status occupations. Fourth, themotivation analyses suggest that individuals prefer spouses whoscparents have occupations characterized by high incomc, high socialstatus, and low cldercare costs. Finally, we show that the preferencecfor spouses with parents of high socioeconomic status occupationsmay contribute to an increase in inequality and a decrease in intergen-erational mobility.


       湖南大学经济与贸易学院副教授,湖南大学岳彪学者。本科硕士毕业于中山大学,2014年博士毕业于香港中文大学经济系。主要研究兴趣是劳动经济学、行为实验经济学、文化经济学、经济史。近年在Journalof Population Economics、China Economic Review;Scoltish Journal of Political Economy,《经济研究》、《经济学》季刊、《经济科学》《劳动经济研究》等SSCI和CSSCI 权威期刊发表多篇学术论文,出版著作《中国大学生成长行为调查报告》。主持国家自然科学基金项目和省部级科研项目多项。主持大型微观数据调查“中国大学生追踪调查”和“中国代际关系调查”,并主持多项田野实验调查。担任中国劳动经济学者论坛理事会理事,并担任2019-2020年中国劳动经济学者论坛理事理事会秘书长,Global Labor Organization Fellowe



