
希贤论坛【第58期】| Dr. Dorien Emmers分享“早期能力形成的动态效应:来自中国农村群体随机教养实验的证据”
发布时间:2024-07-05 发布者:孙晨

(通讯员 王子熙)2024年7月5日,由中南财经政法大学收入分配与现代财政学科创新引智基地和财政税务学院共同主办的“希贤论坛”第五十八期在文沁楼119会议室顺利举行。鲁汶大学经济学系的Dorien Emmers助理教授作为本次希贤论坛的主讲嘉宾,进行了题为“Dynamic effects in early capability formation: Evidence from a cluster-randomized parenting experiment in rural China”的主题演讲。本次学术论坛由中南财经政法大学收入分配与现代财政学科创新引智基地研究员李珊珊老师主持,财政税务学院万欣副教授及基地研究员邹伟老师等师生在内的十余人参加了本次学术论坛。




Dr. Dorien Emmers为在场师生带来一次精彩演讲的同时还引发了大家的深入思考。在讨论环节,在场师生踊跃发言,围绕研究背景、理论模型及实证等内容进行了积极的互动交流。

嘉宾介绍/Speaker Profile


Dorien Emmers is an Assistant Professor at the Chinese Studies Group and the Department of Economics of KU Leuven. She is also an affiliated research scholar of the Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions (SCCEI). She previously worked as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Stanford SCCEI and as a lecturer on Chinese politics at the KU Leuven Chinese Studies Group.

Dorien completed her Ph. D. in Economics at KU Leuven LICOS — Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance. She previously graduated magna cum laude from the Master of Arts in Sinology and the Master of Science in Research in Economics at KU Leuven. She considers her background in the non-disciplinary-specific study of the Chinese language and area as a perfect complement of the non-area-specific discipline of economics.

Her research interests center around the economics and measurement of human capital formation and social mobility in China. She is involved in the design and evaluation of multiple field experiments testing the effectiveness of early childhood interventions in rural China. She’s currently working on the development of a scalable observation-based assessment for early skill formation in rural China.