Academic Achievements

Prof. Sun Qunli Gained Project Approval of Intellectual Achievement Procurement (Key Funding Project) by Hubei Provincial People's Government
publish date:2013-08-27 publisher:Sheng Qian

Prof. Sun Qunli's project Research on Doubling Hubei Residents' Income was approved as an Intellectual Achievement Procurement Project (Key Funding Project) by Hubei Provincial People's Government in 2013. On August 9, he participated in the signing ceremony of the Intellectual Achievement Procurement Project organized by the Hubei Provincial People's Government Advisory Committee. The Intellectual Achievement Procurement Project is a think tank platform set up in Hubei Province, which is the first in the country. It has provided nearly 50 high-quality decision-making references for the Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government since its launch in 2011. In 2013, 19 project teams won the tender for the provincial government's Intellectual Achievement Procurement Project, and 16 projects were signed and approved.