
Preview of the 39th Xi Xian Forum: Wang Liming on Ireland's Economic Overview, Characteristics and Impact of the COVID
publish date:2023-06-19 publisher:孙晨

Topic: Ireland's Economic Overview, Characteristics and Impact of the COVID

Speaker Profile: Wang Liming

Professor Liming Wang is Director of the China Institute and Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Dublin. He has a PhD in Economics from Queen's University, where he was Head of the China Department and Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Agricultural and Food Economics. His main areas of research are the Chinese economy, development economics, energy economics, financial contagion, and agricultural and food economics. He has published ten monographs and over forty papers in international journals. He is the editor of the international journals Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies and Energies. External appointments include President of the Irish Society for Chinese Studies, Secretary General of the European Society for Chinese Economics, Trustee of the Irish Institute of International Trade, and Chairman of the Board of the Global Economy Lecture Theatre.

Time: 15:00-17:00 on Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Moderator: Ma Yuanyuan (Researcher of IIDPF, Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Centre)

Venue: Conference Room 119, Wenqin Building