
Preview of Xi Xian Course: Dr Qingyuan Du on Fiscal Policies in a Small Open Economy
publish date:2023-11-22 publisher:

Xi Xian Short Course2023)

Fiscal Policies in A Small Open Economy


Speaker Profile: Dr Qingyuan Du

Dr Qingyuan Du is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics at Monash University. He obtained his PhD from Columbia University in 2011. His primary research areas are international economics and macroeconomic policies. Dr Qingyuan Du has published his research in well-known international refereed journals including the Journal of International Economics Review of Economic Dynamics. European Economic Review, Journal of International Money and Finance among others.


Description of the Short Course:

This short course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how fiscal policies can impact a country's output, inflation, and foreign debt position within the context of a small open economy. In four lectures, we assess welfare implications across various policy scenarios. We aim to provide answers to two questions: i) fiscal policy can play a stabilizing role in the macroeconomy, particularly in situations where a country faces constraints on adjusting its exchange rate and ii) how fiscal policy can enhance domestic welfare in a small open economy that encounters significant frictions in financial market or factor markets.



4th December 2023 (Monday) 9:30-11:30 am, 15:00-17:00 pm

5th December 2023 (Tuesday) 9:30-11:30 am, 15:00-17:00 pm



Conference Room 119, Wenqin Building



School of Public Finance and Taxation, IIDPF