
Base News | Professor Shi Zhilei, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences of ZUEL, Led a Visiting Group to Innovation and Talent Base for Income Distribution and Public Finance
publish date:2024-03-04 publisher:SUN Chen

On February 29, 2024, Professor Shi Zhilei, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences (the Institute) at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL), and Professor Yang Miao, the Vice-Director of the Institute, along with their visiting group, arrived at the Innovation and Talent Base for Income Distribution and Public Finance (the Base) to participate in a research meeting for the national base platform. The meeting was presided over by Professor Yang Miao from the Institute and the attendees included 10-20 teachers and students from the Base, represented by Professor Lu Yuanping, the Executive Director, Associate Professor Wan Xi, the Office Head, and several researchers, including Associate Professor Liu Erpeng, Wan Qian, Zou Wei, Gao Sihan, Zou Jianwen, and Li Shanshan.


The research meeting began with Professor Shi's introduction to the instructions of the latest documents released by higher authorities. He highlighted that in the field of humanities and social sciences, the latest policy documents released at the national level would shed light on new development directions and that traditional research bases in this field would progressively transition towards the development of high-end think tanks. Moreover, he stressed that China will intensify support for creating innovative research teams in the humanities and social sciences, according to the latest document released by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. As ZUEL’s vanguard in humanities and social sciences, the Innovation and Talent Base for Income Distribution and Public Finance should closely stay abreast of China's most recent directives, fully utilize the government's policy support, and aim to achieve development with elevated quality.

Subsequently, Professor Yang Miao further elaborated on the instructions of these documents, stressing that the Base should focus on applying for approval for major project proposals and familiarizing themselves with the conditions for applying to national-level fund projects in this year's research work, so as to gain academic support from the state as well as instructions from national leaders. Yang also underscored the need for the Base's research efforts to not only concentrate on fundamental research but also to enrich innovative research in the humanities and social sciences to better serve as a leading example.


After guidance from the leadership of the Institute, Professor Lu Yuanping of the Base reported on the recent work of the Base. He summarized the Base's main achievements in terms of academic research and social service since its establishment and reported on its annual work goals, which received recognition from Professor Shi Zhilei and Professor Yang Miao. Following Professor Lu’s report, Professor Shi Zhilei concluded the meeting, first acknowledging the accomplishments and development of the Base in recent years and then emphasizing that various departments should strengthen information exchange and cooperation. Going forward, the Institute will also provide better support for the Base in related research work.

As the research meeting drew to a close, the researchers and faculty members of the Base engaged in an exchange discussion with Professor Shi Zhilei and his visiting group from the Institute. This dialogue led to a more concrete plan regarding the future collaboration and interaction between the Institute and the Base and the innovative development of high-end think tanks. The researchers of the Base also gained a clearer understanding of the tasks involving innovative research in the humanities and social sciences. In conclusion, this research meeting will hold significant guiding relevance for the future development of the Base. (Correspondent: Zhou Lihang)