
Preview of the 51st Xi Xian Forum: Wan Guanghua on "Education Expansion & Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from China"
publish date:2024-04-07 publisher:SUN Chen

Topic:Education Expansion & Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from China

Speaker Profile:Prof. Wan Guanghua

Wang Guanghua is a renowned economist, distinguished second-level professor of Fudan University and director of the Institute of World Economy of Fudan University. He is also a former senior official of the United Nations and Asian Development Bank. He is ranked among the top 6% economists globally and the top 3% in Asia by RePEc (IDEAS personal ranking compilation) and included in Who's Who in the World several times. He was the earliest to propose that "issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and the wellbeing of farmers" need to be solved in urban areas (from 2006 to 2008); and that China's urbanization is the only way to address poverty and income gap (from 2006 to 2008). He also predicted that China's international development environment will become increasingly severe (from 2009 to 2010). Professor Wang Guanghua has published over 300 academic papers and think tank research results in both Chinese and English, and authored more than 10 monographs (including publications from Oxford University Press, Macmillan Publishers, Sanlian Publishing House, and Social Sciences Literature Press). Among them, he has published 23 Chinese papers on Economic Research Journal, 4 on Social Sciences in China, 8 on Management World, and 7 on China Economic Quarterly. He serves as an editorial board member and guest editor for over 20 authoritative economics journals both domestically and internationally, including the Economic Research Journal. He was awarded the "Best Paper" by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence, and has won many provincial and ministerial research awards such as the "Zhang Peigang Outstanding Achievement Award in Development Economics".

Host: Prof. Lu Yuanping

Executive Director of IIDPF 

Conference Information

Time: 10 April 2024 (Monday), 15:00-17:00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 119 of Wenqin Building